Frank Salvatore, President-elect of the AARC presented the keynote address. It was highly motivationally and energetically presented! Key points were if the profession is to have continued success, WE need to make state societies as strong as they can possibly be.
Mr. Salvatore stressed three key words: Promote excellence, advance the science and practice, and serve as an advocate for patients, community and the profession.
Major issues addressed: HR 2619, Respiratory Care 2015 and Beyond, RRT as the entry level for licensure, and the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Salvatore also remarked about the need for an advanced practice Respiratory Therapy credential (APRT), which would be equivalent to PA and APN.
Mr. Salvatore stressed the sky’s the limit for our profession and we need to develop more protocols, increase value added care, and develop disease management programs.
The NJSRC (not the Board) YOU!
Daryl Rogers, NJSRC President, gave a year in review, including an update for the attendees on the RCP Licensing Act, which was introduced on September 18, 2014!
Mr. Rogers reiterated his vision for the NJSRC, which includes membership recruitment and involvement in committees and the BOD. While a lot of great effort has already been done, we will continue to lobby legislators to promote our profession. Local and national awareness round out the vision, as we look to broaden relationships with other state societies and promote membership of the AARC.
We want to be #1!