The AARC has introduced the Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act to our U.S. congressmen. The bill is HR 2619, which permits qualified respiratory care practitioners to perform self-management training to Medicare patients in doctor’s offices. It will be the first time Medicare will recognize the respiratory therapist, just as it has done for physical and occupational therapists, physician assistants, and others.
A similar bill was introduced in 2011; however, it was not passed due to significant costs associated with it. It has since been modified to specifically treat COPD, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, and cystic fibrosis. March 12, 2013 our NJSRC Political Advocacy Committee Team (PACT) representative Bob Guardabasco and myself petitioned the offices of Congressmen Jon Runyan, Leonard Lance, Scott Garrett, and Senator Robert Menendez. We were accompanied by a patient with COPD, and his son who were members of the COPD foundation. We were also accompanied by the wife of a deceased pulmonary cancer patient. We were the NJ constituents proposing the bill. AARC PACT members from all other states made similar proposals to their representatives. We were well received by each representative’s staff member. Since then we have had Congressman from other States sponsor the bill which needs to be attached to any other Medicare reform bill. We propose that early intervention in the MD office will prevent exacerbations and costly acute and extended care costs.
We need YOU, our NJ members to contact your local representatives. Any personal effort such as Email, letter, or personal visit to any of our U.S. congressman will help our bill and promote our professionalism. Try to make friends in your representative’s offices. After all, they represent you. Be personal and professional to suggest how you want to help patients stay well, and less frequently cost the Medicare system money. Much more detail is on the AARC and the NJSRC website should you want some coaching. But basic communication is all it takes and emphasize bill HR 2619.
Should you want to Email your representative, and two Senators, ask the representative to co-sponsor the bill HR 2619, and the Senators to support the Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act. Feel free to express one sentence about your commitment to healthcare. Congressmen have website schedules for public meetings to shake hands with them and hand them a business card.
We will be reaching out to area managers in NJ to provide support. Managers are encouraged to roll out this initiative at a staff meeting. We will forward a single page succinct summary on details as well. This does not have to be complicated. Just let our voices be heard. Herein for your convenience are our states Congressman, and respective constituent districts can be located on the enclosed map. Please note that the enclosed map is for easy location of your district and the political designation may not be accurate or relative. Visit your representative and introduce yourself as a constituent in his or her district, or suggest you service their population in your medical facility. Leave them a brief letter.
*** Ranking Member Health Subcommittee
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