We would like to invite you to attend the NJSRC Shore Conference at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City from October 10-12, 2018!
NJSRC has hired SolutionsX2, an event management service to handle the Vendor registration process. You can facilitate your secure credit card transaction through PayPal’s Virtual Terminal. Call SolutionsX2 at: (215) 353-2477 or (610) 772-0661 or email at: solutionsx2@comcast.net.
Vendors will set up on Wednesday, October, 10 beginning at 12 p.m. The vendor hall will open with a welcome cocktail reception from 5:30-7:30 p.m. with appetizers and plenty of time to visit with the attendees. Vendors are invited to attend Boogie Nights starting at 7:30 p.m. Your vendor registration includes two prepaid tickets to this event, additional tickets can be purchased for $35 for guests in advance of the event. Please contact SOLUTIONSX2 at (215) 353-2477 or (610) 772-0661. Thursday is a full day with lectures and the opportunity for attendees to visit the vendor hall from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Vendors also have the opportunity to sponsor a general session, breakout session, the NJSRC booth, Boogie Nights, the Sputum Bowl, or breakfast or lunch. If interested please contact us.
Door prizes and raffles will conclude Thursday’s agenda and the vendor hall will officially close at 3:00 p.m. You are welcome to have a door prize drawing at your booth to be announced at 2:30 p.m. Thursday. This will allow our vendors time to relax and enjoy Thursday evening and allow for a more leisurely pace for packing up on Friday morning. You may even want to attend some of the lectures offered on Friday morning. We hope you will join us for another exciting NJSRC event. It just would not be the same without you!
If you prefer to pay with a check, make it payable to New Jersey Society for Respiratory Care (Fed ID #23-7028539). The agreement and application for booth rental and payment or proof of payment should be emailed to solutionsx2@comcast.net or mail completed application along with payment to: Solutionsx2 c/o NJSRC, 1996 Foster Road Hatfield, Pa 19440.
Thank you,
NJSRC Shore Conference Committee