Do you want to speak at the Annual Conference? Do you know someone worthy? Submit the speaker’s name here. Submitting a speaker does not guarantee a speaking spot at the conference.
If you would like to present a topic for this year’s conference please complete the attached form no later than August 1. You can submit more than one topic. We are looking to cover specific topics in Neonatal/Peds, PFTs, Sleep and infection control. Ethics and patient safety are already covered. However, your topic(s) does not have to be on those categories. While you may request a specific category for speaking engagement, the committee reserves the right to assign the speakers to categories.
Program Integrity:
To ensure that all educational activities are free from bias, all presenters must declare vested interests. In the event that any form of commercial support is provided for an educational activity, the course sponsor will maintain control of the educational content and disclose to the learners all financial relationships or lack of, between the commercial supporter and the provider or presenters.
- Funds from a commercial source will be in the form of an unrestricted educational grant to the provider of the educational activity and must be acknowledged in printed material and brochures.
- Learners must be made aware of the nature of commercial support for all educational sessions.
- Educational activities that present research conducted by commercial companies will be designed and presented with scientific objectivity.
- Learners will be informed of any off-label use of a commercial product that is presented in educational activities. Off-label use refers to using a pharmaceutical agent for a purpose other than the purpose for which the FDA approved it.
- The approval status for an educational activity granted by the AARC does not expressly or implicitly confer AARC endorsement of the activity’s content.